So i sat in this boring class and as usual i couldn't just stay there doing absolutely nothing so i got my book and this is what turned up.
To be honest i think boredom might just be my new inspiration.
Although she couldn't contain it anymore she still kept a brave front. If only everyone knew the lie she told the world behind that smile of hers.
She had practiced over the years.'The Art Of Guile' it was called.
All those emotions hidden behind even the smile in her eyes. Not that anyone paid close attention to notice or even care how fake or real it was. She had become the lie she put up, that even sometimes she forgot the pain.
She winced.
It was getting worse. She knew it was just a matter of time before the inevitable happened.
Her mind slowly trailed to where she had called her 'Teary memories'. Those memories were for times like these. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Her therapist had encouraged her to start this way, it was supposed to help her control her heart rate or something.
Just as always she found herself walking down a narrow dimly lit hallway which led to a room at the end. On the door was what looked like a graffiti of a huge tear drop. As always she would trail her palm down the tear before opening the door, revealing what she had come to make or call an 'ease of pain'.
She could feel herself smiling. Were her eyes closed? she wasn't sure.
Her head felt light now, the pain seemed to cease, everything seemed to slowly calm down. She loved the memories here, they always brought a little tranquility.
She felt herself floating slowly, a little rush of wind hit her like a splash of cold water on the face.
It felt good.
She felt good.
But something didn't seem exactly right.
Her body floated a little faster now, speed gathering every second, she tried to slow down but it was no use.
It seemed the wind had a latch on her and dragged her along its way. Her heart that seemed to have steadied picked up a pace now beating as fast as she could count.
She threw her hands out to hold on to something but it was no use.
There was a frightening shriek from the corner of the room followed by a loud thud.
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nice work, i felt the character, but i am cofused about the end, was there a stream in the room or did she just run blindly into the wall