My randoms usually bring out the best of me (my opinion anyways).
Honestly though don't you think so?...
One more sappy song to remind me
How lonely i could be
One more sappy song to bring me
closer to imagine how happy i could've been
One more sappy song to show me
everything ends, he wasn't lying.
One more sappy song is all it takes
to bring all these emotions flooding into place
One more sappy tune, one more sappy song
one more love story gone wrong.
One more smile, one more frown
One more hidden lie behind your creative guile.
One more tear,one more shed
One more of everything is all i should've said.
'I really need some time' i said breaking the awkward silence.
'I need to take a walk' i paused 'i need to think straight'
'Are you sure? wait-'.
I walked away. I couldn't stand being there, hoping and praying it was a dream. It wasn't, it so wasn't. I still fought, hard if i say so myself.
'Was it worth it?' i thought to myself. 'is he-'. I shook my head. Snap out of it. I stopped myself before i thought what i would eventually regret.
My heart ached. Not my chest, i wished it was but it wasn't, it was my heart. It felt like it had been ripped and i had watched it happen. Slowly and vehemently. It felt shredded in a way or was that the right word? I didn't know and honestly i didn't really care. there was just so much pain.
I sniffed. I was crying. Why was i crying? Why was this happening?
So many questions.
I saw some people i knew heading in my direction and i quickly put my the back of my palm to my nose and smiled in pretense. I said hi and they waved and walked by.
I kept walking, no direction in particular but i just wouldn't stop, i needed to keep moving.
It hurt so bad...
I saw two chairs in a corner, looking round there was no one in sight, i honestly didn't care if there was anymore, i couldn't hold it in any longer. I strode straight to them and collapsed in one.
I sobbed silently....
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