'Bob you didn't do so well because you didn't plan well, everything wasn't organised properly'.
Yup,that definitely makes sense to them but i'm not talking about them in particular, well i'll be making references but this has to do more with writers and artiste or 'The Thinkers' as I like to call them.
I agree with that statement. (Yes I said I agree)
Disorganisation can indeed block your creativity. If you don't believe me that's ok, you don't have to, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but i will still explain why anyhow.
Disorganisation causes confusion, lack of concentration and...and... unfortunately I can't remember more effects.
Wait a minute...... see what I mean.
Disorganisation in its own weird way affects your thought processes. How?? Well for instance instead of you concentrating on the work at hand, you're thinking of how to do about 30 different things at the same time. Like my mom always says 'start one thing at a time and always finish what you started' (easier said than done sometimes). That way you don't have to jump from one thing to another and cause yourself unnecessary stress. For example if you have my kind of dad who isn't very patient for food when he is hungry and you have to make him breakfast of fried potatoes, eggs with stew, you'll definitely have to follow a process.
Of course you should know you'll have to peel and cut the potatoes, fry the eggs and warm or cook the stew (although in my house it's usually to warm 'cus there's always stew).
This needs a lot of organisation and planning.
You can't peel the potatoes first neglecting the stew and eggs and you can't fry the eggs first neglecting the the potatoes and stew because it'll get cold and you can't warm fried eggs. What are you? Dumb??
So you'll have to start with the stew. Why?? because it can be warmed if it gets cold!! and if it is frozen it'll have enough time to defrost by the time you're done peeling and maybe frying the potatoes. And of course the eggs would be fried last. Now if you don't follow this careful process you'll end up burning something if not everything because you'll be running from one thing to another and take more time than you should have used up, trust me I know i learnt the hard way.
Forgive my seemingly inappropriate example I'm female, a future house wife and mother someday, this just seemed appropriate for me (I'm not a glutton either).
Right. Back to the main topic of discussion with reference to my elaborate example, because you're disorganised and running from pillar to post and various things are running through your head, your creativity level drops because you can't fix your mind on one thing to actually create something. I mean a writer for instance who is about to write a book or something has to get everything needed to enable him/her not to write off point. If its a novel that has various characters, you'll have to know what and who your characters are before writing about them or else you'll get stuck at some point and probably forget the main aim and purpose of the book or end up writing a meaningless story. Even Macbeth and Hamlet with all their confusing languages and mannerisms were well planned out before writing.
I know i'm supposed to give reasons why you should be organised and try to explain why it'll help but i'm not. People differ and you never know, disorganisation might work for some and then at some point in their lives they'll figure out things could've been alot easier if they were organised. You think about maybe you can stop always being confused or stop having those nasty headaches if you could organise yourself and even your thoughts and take them things you do one at a time letting room for more creativity.
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